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Home Darts Dart Shafts Target K-Flex No.2 Flight and Shaft System

Target K-Flex No.2 Flight and Shaft System

Price: €12.27
  • Code:
  • Packing weight:
    0.020 Kgs

Material: Polymer

Size: Short, Intermediate, Medium

Color: Black, White, Clear, Red, Green, Blue

Set: 3 x No.2 K-Flex 

Colour K-Flex system:
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Target K-Flex No.2 Flight and Shaft System
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Product price: €12.27
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       Introducing the all new revolutionary integrated flight and shaft system from Target Darts

       A high performance all in one flight and shaft system featuring Target's patented twist system. The perfect fusion of flight and shaft to elevate your game.

       The precision system features:

  • Light weight - K-System flights are lighter than other moulded systems on the market allowing for more consistent throw ;
  • Patented Flex System - the shaft section of the K-Flex has been designed to move if hit by another dart, reducing the chance of a bounce out during a critical game ;
  • 90 degree Precision - our injection moulding process means the flights are at perfect 90 degree angels out of the box and trough their life ;
  • Durability - a slight increase in thickness to the front and back edge of the flight increases durability dramatically over other flight types ;
  • The price is for set.



  • Manufacturer:
    Target Darts /England/
  • Appearance of dart flights:
Stealth Poster [PDF, 3.22 MB]



Address: Bulgaria, Sofia 1463
  1 Bulgaria square
  National Palace of Culture
  Main underpass




+ 359 898 50 58 58

+ 359 898 59 58 58





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