You can order from the site 24 /twenty four/ hours a day, including weekends and during public holidays. When you have finished your order you will be able to review the products you have chosen. Also you can review and if is necessary to make corrections of the following:
shipping details, the way of payment you have chosen and the personal data for contacting with you, which you have given.
You will be notified via email of receipt and status of your order. Within the first business day following the day on which the order has been placed, you will receive a phone call from our representative to confirm your request. At any time you can check the status of your order in your account in the online store.
When you have chosen method of delivery by courier the ordered goods by the user will be sent to a specified address or office of the courier company in the chosen location. The user is responsible for the accuracy of the address and other details to obtain goods. In cases when is chosen an individual delivery method, our operator will contact you for clarification of the specific conditions of delivery.
Due to the working hours of the courier companies orders are not delivered on Sundays and official holidays . Our goal is to deliver your orders as soon as possible and in most cases they are delivered on the next working day.
For orders over 250.00 BGN (excl. VAT and shipping cost) and weighing up to 50 kg. you can use our promotion - free delivery to address (only in Bulgaria), given by you or office of courier company "Speedy". The discount "free shipping" is disabled if in your cart there are products on promotion.